Scheduling emails to send in evening?


Is it possible to have emails sent at a particular time? Not a campaign email but specific emails to leads. We find we get better results when sending after hours.

Now after you write the email the only option is “send”


I don’t think this feature exists.

You could emulate it with one-person-campaigns. But it would be a bit inconvenient if you need to use it a lot.

If you’re using an external Email client you might find a better way to do it from there. In the past I’ve used a Thunderbird add-on called “Send Later” for this purpose, to schedule emails for specific times.

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Maybe you could try the following:

. create a new module in which you add various fields including:
. the text of the email
. destination
. subject
. time
. sent flag

Then you create a workflow that checks unsent flags and sends the email at the desired time and then sets the sent flag.

I am not sure if this would work but I would try.

Alternatively, instead of a workflow you could write a custom scheduler.

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@amariussi the only problem I see with that is, how would the Workflow run for a specific record in the new custom table?

The options are:

Run – Always, On Save or On Scheduler.
Run On – All Records, Modified Records or New Records.

Now, I used to think that “always” would mean it keeps running, but in fact it’s just that it runs both “on save” and “on scheduler”. So we would have to make it “on scheduler” for this one.

I also used to think “all records” was a kind of loop going through all the records in a module (so that our conditions could then select what to act on), when in reality it is just that it runs both for “Modified Records” and “New Records”. So there’s no good option for us here.

We would need some extra piece of PHP here to achieve our goals.

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@pgr Mine was only meant to be an idea.

I thought that workflows could check a date and, when the date is over trigger the workflow for the given record.

So, in my example, the workflow will check for both conditions: date and flag.

Since the flag is modified in the actions of the suggested workflow, it should trigger only once.

As I said I haven’t tried it and possibly it doesn’t work like that.

Alternatively it is easy to write a custom scheduler and, since the scheduler is written in PHP, you can put everything you want. Then define when the scheduler has to run (every 10 minutes or so) and let it check both the flag and the date, etc…

This would definitely work but it requires PHP knowledge as well as how to write a SuiteCRM custom scheduler (not very difficult).

I have used in the past for the first custom schedulers I wrote the following framework, which comes with a very handy example: