Scheduler to create new case


I’m new with SuiteCRM. I want to try to integrate it with our SharePoint list. so, the idea is I will create a scheduler job and get SharePoint data every few minutes and update the Case module. Is there any suggestion how do I accomplish this? I tried to find documentation about how to manipulate data or reusable function that i can use inside scheduler but didn’t find any on developer guide.




Welcome to community!

Did you see the documentation?

I hope that it’s help you.

Thank you and yes I did. I was just confused on how I insert a new case and update other related table. So, basically I just need to call BeanFactory and then SuiteCRM will do the rest to fill other related table like aop_case_events, etc. Am I doing right till here?


I think that you do all right. If you will use SuiteCRM objects it will is good way.