Scheduler Not Running

Hi guys,

We have been using suitecrm for some time having upgraded through various builds. A few weeks back we noticed that schedulers were not running, I’ve tried Rebuild Schedulers under repair but this has made no difference.

I have a bat file configured to run cron.php and if I run this through cmd I don’t get an error… unfortunately the last run is now showing never since trying to rebuild so I cant tie an update to when this stopped working. We are running v7.10.4

Any help would be appreciated as with the schedulers not running we have several workflows which do not run.

Thanks in advance


You can post your batch file, and your exact paths of where PHP executable is, and cron.php is.

You can also check your logs for errors, it might be telling you what’s wrong.

My batch file contains the following;

cd /D C:\inetpub\suitecrm
php.exe -f cron.php

PHP path is C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\v7.2\php.exe

cron path is C:\inetpub\suitecrm\cron.php

The log file is showing the below every minute;

Thu Jun 7 23:27:43 2018 [1268][-none-][FATAL] Could not connect to server localhost as sa.
Thu Jun 7 23:28:43 2018 [2132][-none-][FATAL] Could not connect to server localhost as sa.
Thu Jun 7 23:29:43 2018 [3580][-none-][FATAL] Could not connect to server localhost as sa.
Thu Jun 7 23:30:43 2018 [2704][-none-][FATAL] Could not connect to server localhost as sa.
Thu Jun 7 23:31:43 2018 [1380][-none-][FATAL] Could not connect to server localhost as sa.
Thu Jun 7 23:32:43 2018 [3128][-none-][FATAL] Could not connect to server localhost as sa.
Thu Jun 7 23:33:43 2018 [3052][-none-][FATAL] Could not connect to server localhost as sa.
Thu Jun 7 23:34:43 2018 [2220][-none-][FATAL] Could not connect to server localhost as sa.
Thu Jun 7 23:35:43 2018 [3720][-none-][FATAL] Could not connect to server localhost as sa.
Thu Jun 7 23:36:43 2018 [2828][-none-][FATAL] Could not connect to server localhost as sa.

Which would suggest this is related to the windows schedule as it’s showing every minute, but I know the sa password is working as I have been into the back end DB using it.


The cron job can’t connect to the database… I find this weird if the main app can connect, they share the same database credentials from config.php…

Maybe there are some issues with the user running your Scheduled Task. If you can use the same user that your web server uses to run the main app, there should be no issues…

Maybe the database log (or Event viewer page) shows more clues?

Hi Guys,

Any solution to this issue?

I deleted my scheduled job without deactivating it first and it hasn’t stopped running since.

Thanks in advance.