Scheduler aren't working


I have a problem with the Schedulerā€¦

All Schedulers never runned and i dont know why this happens.

I added this to the cron:

          • cd /opt/bitnami/apps/suitecrm/htdocs; php -f cron.php > /dev/null 2>&1 

But nothing worked and i dont know where I can check if my cron is running or not.

I need this because now I have to send my campaign emails every time from the Queue and the Campaigns donā€™t recognize the bounced emails.

Can anybody help me

Youā€™re better off asking about this on the Bitnami Forums, the way to set up cron on Bitnami is quite specific.

See this one for example:

i think , you go to the ā€˜cron.phpā€™ and comment line no 52 code sugar_die("cron.php is CLI only."); and then run directly /cron.php on other tab.
After run if job not trigger then go to your database and search sql ā€œSELECT * FROM job_queue WHERE status!=ā€˜doneā€™ā€ then any result found force fully hard delete found results because cron job not check deleted=0 .
i hope its working for you.