Scheduled Reports Timezone

Hi, i have a bug with a scheduled report this is the situation.
First of all, i have all users to time Zone America/Los Angeles
php.ini is set America/Los Angeles
Scheduler - Run Reports it works ok.

So i go to reports and create a new scheduler example time: Daily at 9:00 AM
When this happends first time it works ok and send emails to the users selected,
But the following days it sent me the report at a different time at 2:00 AM (7 hourse before)

And the record last run for Scheduled is set Date - 9:00 AM not 2:00am

Why this is happend?

Have you check the timezone for the Current User by which you you created this scheduled report entry??

Apart from Php.ini setting and User Profile timezone who created the scheduled report, Did you also check Server machine time? what is that set to ?

yeah, all users & i have America/Los_angeles GMT-7:00

System timedatecrl
Time zone: America/Los_Angeles (PDT, -0700)

You have two relevant php.ini’s

One for CLI (shcedulers)
One for Web server (the rest of SuiteCRM)

Print both modes
Console: php -a; echo get timezone…
File: filetest.php <?php echo get timezone…

both timezone are working on America/Los_Angeles

What is your SuiteCRM version?

$suitecrm_version = ‘7.11.3’;

I believe that issue was resolved on version 7.11.11

Check here for more info:



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