Scheduled Reports not running

I need to run many (12-15) daily scheduled reports. However, I have 1 report successfully running, it runs every day, no problem at all. But when I try to add another report, the new one does not run.
I am using exactly the same format, the report actually hold less data. I have checked everything - dates, times, active/inactive - it should work?!?! Can anyone help me?

Hi, welcome to the Community! :tada:

Have a look at this post

it contains a couple of tips which will be useful to help you - namely, knowing your SuiteCRM version and gathering clues from your logs. Thanks.

I have the same problem.
My error is:
Sun Jun 21 14:45:03 2020 [13115][1][WARN] There is no any workflow to run
Sun Jun 21 14:45:06 2020 [13115][1][FATAL] Job de7e0ed9-409b-7d55-afe8-5eef565ebfe1 (Run Report Generation Scheduled Tasks) failed in CRON run

I don’t understand what it means: “There is no any workflow to run”
Thank you for your attention and eventual replies. (4.1 KB)