Scheduled Reports and UTC Not working correctly.

My PHP Web and CLI are set to timezone=UTC.

My User profile timezone is set to America/NewYork.

When I schedule a report to run @ 1PM EST time, it actually does will execute @ 9am EST.

I have tried setting the cli to America/New_York and it then will execute 4 hours behind the scheduled time. Like the above.

Regardless what i set the php or the CLI to the behavior does not change.

Can someone explain this. Am I missing a config setting?

If I don’t setup the ubuntu server to run on UTC, the WebAPI v8 will hand back expired tokens. The only way i am able to get the api to work is to set the server php.ini to UTC.

Any help on this would be great.

First, about the API v8: this is new code. If there is a bug with timezones and expired tokens, please report the bug with greater detail so we can fix it.

Then, about the CLI and Apache PHP timezones. You can try checking your effective settings, because sometimes the trouble with php.ini files that you think you’re changing something, but then it isn’t really taking effect.

To check the effective setting in Apache, you can do it from within SuiteCRM, go in Admin / Diagnostics and select phpinfo().

To check the effective setting in CLI, open a Linux shell and type

php -i | grep timezone

Another useful command is

php -i | grep php.ini

which tells you exactly which php.ini file(s) it’s loading.