Scheduled Report Is not Sent the Mail

@pgr Dear Sir,
Kindly give me the solutions for sending mail through scheduled report. I have create the scheduled report but the mail does not send to the recipient. I have followed all the process in the documentation. Kindly sir give me the solutions. Actually in the last run field it does not show and also the mail is not send.

There could be a number of things, here’s a list of things to check:

  1. Is the system email outbound setup properly? Do other emails from the system get sent?
  2. Are your cron jobs running?
  3. Is the scheduled job that sends reports in the scheduler activated?
  4. Is you email from the system deliverable (It may be sent but not received).

Confirm the above 4. If not one of those, then the next thing is start debugging and looking at your logs.

@pstevens Sir Thank you for your reply. Lets clarify your points ,

  1. System Email outbound is setup properly because other mail is sending like, assignment mail and i create some other workflow for sending mail everything is working.

  2. Lets give some steps how to run the cron jobs.

  3. Scheduler job is activated for sending mail.

  4. No , email does not send for the scheduling report.

What does it say here:

@ i am trying in my windows laptop

Are you using xampp web server? If yes, check this out.

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