Saving takes too long (30 seconds)

I am trying to debug why the saving a record takes too long (like 30 seconds), I check all my workflow, there is no infinite loop, But last week, I add 1-to-Many relationship between my custom module and activities module, would it be the reason that causing this issue? (I could not remove the relationship within Studio :frowning: )

I previously added logic hooks, now in order to debug, I deleted all my logic hooks, and saving still takes too long time.

What should I check now? Please help

Which version are you using? There was a logging bug that could cause this, solved in latest version, 7.5.2.

tail -f /suitecrm.log

If you see thousands of lines getting dumped there at each save, then this is the guilty bug. But of course, it might be a thousand different things…

at Core is 6.5.2 Sugar, and I update it to 7.4.3, or the latest before 7.5

I do see a lot error line print in error.log

where should I type in this? in cmd?

Well, that is a Linux command, to be typed at a command prompt. If you are using Windows, just check your log file in Notepad or whatever. Search Google to determine where the log file is for your case.

If you upgraded from Sugarcrm your log file might be called sugarcrm.log instead of suitecrm.log.

I open sugarCRM.log, it does not seems reflect any error on my latest operation
but when I open error.log under apache2/logs folder
it says the following

I copy to here only the important text, there is more, but it basically says error in basic.php, favorites.php and aow_worflow.php

PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\Program Files (x86)\sugarcrm-6.5.20\apps\sugarcrm\htdocs\modules\Favorites\Favorites.php on line 89, 89, 93

PHP Notice: Undefined property: PRESC_Physician_Orders::$name in C:\Program Files (x86)\sugarcrm-6.5.20\apps\sugarcrm\htdocs\include\SugarObjects\templates\basic[u]\Basic.php on line 53, [/u]

PHP Notice: Undefined property: PRESC_Physician_Orders::$aos_products_id_c in C:\Program Files (x86)\sugarcrm-6.5.20\apps\sugarcrm\htdocs\modules\AOW_WorkFlow\AOW_WorkFlow.php on line 499,

I’m afraid I can’t help any further. The error I mentioned, is not what you’re getting, so just forget about what I said.

The errors you’ve shown in your post are just notices, they might not be serious errors, they might not be the real cause for your huge delays… I hope someone else has an idea on how to debug this…

Do you have a complete debugging setup? I mean, something like Eclipse PHP where you can step through the code, view the variables etc.? That would surely lead you to the root cause.

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It turns out it is the email issue, I used hotmail as system email to send out assignment notification email, after I delete linked hotmail, the savings time is back to normal :ohmy: