Sales goals - SuiteCRM

Guys, one tip please.
What is the best way to work with goals within SuiteCRM?
Set goals and monitor team performance through comparisons between goal, consolidated goal and forecast.

Hi there,

Depends on what goals you have :slight_smile:

If its KPI i.e. achieve 10K of sales then you will need to have good reports that reflect that and then a place to continuously provide feedback on those goals.
There isn’t OTB that provides KPI specifically, but there are a few plugins if you have a look on the SuiteCRM store (or search engine).

In my case, I would like to find an easy way, just to stipulate a goal value in sales in the month and track whether users are reaching

I haven’t done it myself, so here is a suggestion, take it for what it’s worth.

  1. Use Studio to create custom fields in the “user” for Sales target Jan, Feb, etc.
  2. then you could report on sales for Jan Vs. Target for Jan. for example.

The other method, I can think, of that would be more complicated is to build a module for “Sales Targets” where each record is the month, year and target. Then you could use this to report against actual sales. This is way more involved and will require setting up relationships between the sales rep and the target.

Just some ideas, as I said, I haven’t set that up before, but that’s where I’d start.

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I’ve been thinking about some things, including reports, but I’m not really good at the moment and it’s always good to hear community tips. Thank you.


You might want to have a look at the Sales Quotas module on SuiteCRM Store :

FYI, we are author of that module.

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