Running custom schedule task and update case

Hey Everyone.

I have the below code which I am running to go through my cases and update the SLA status every few minutes:

function update_colour() {
    global $db,$timedate, $current_user;
    $sql = "SELECT  id, date_modified FROM cases WHERE date_entered BETWEEN CURDATE() - INTERVAL 30 DAY AND CURDATE() AND deleted = 0 and status  in('Open_New','Open_Qualified','Open_Assigned','Open_WithCustomer','Open_With3rdparty','Open_InDevelopment')";
    $result = $db->query($sql);
$case->date_modified = '2017-01-06 09:00:00';

    foreach($result as $id){
        $case = BeanFactory::getBean("Cases", $id['id']);
        if(!empty($case->id)) {
            $class = CustomCasesViewDetail::highlight_cases($case);
            $case->sla_list_c = $class;

    return true;


Once the above is executed it is then passed onto cases in order to complete the updating of the case. My issue here is I do not want the case modified to be updated. I only want the case data to be updated and the modified to be updated when a user manually edits the case.

I found the $case->date_modified in cases and trying to pass this through with a specific date through my scheduled task, in the hope that cases will pick it up and save it with that specific value.

The above obviously does not work and I am not sure how to proceed with this. Do I need to call another function in the scheduled task to pass data on cases? Or is there another way of doing the above?

Feedback is appreciated.

Kind regards,

Use the attribute “update_date_modified” and set it to false.

$case->update_date_modified = false;

This won’t update the date modified field,