Hello dear friends,
I am running SuiteCRM 7.6.10 which was upgraded from SugarCRM CE 6.5 with the following procedure: (just for the records)
1)SugarCE Migration 6.5.x to Suite 7.1.8.zip
3) SuiteCRM-Upgrade-7.3.x-to-7.4.4.zip
4) SuiteCRM-Upgrade-7.4.x-to-7.6.10.zip
I must confess that everything is working just fine and had no problems at all with the upgrade. I don’t want to upgrade further as it works just fine with no problems at all. I am running my own powerfull server (Hetzner Cloud with CentOS 7.4 and php 5.5.38.
Searching within meeting or calls or whatever by using date values works fine. My only problem is that I have created a contracts report with date values conditions-parameters.
So when the users (whose settings are set with Date Format 23/12/2010) want to adjust the parameters and search within dates 01/04/2018 (1st April 2018) and 10/05/2018 (10 May 2018) the query is interpreted wrongly and showing results from January 2018 clearly misinterpreted the user’s search parameter with the american date format.
If the user wants to adjust the parameter to search with condition between dates 01/04/2018 (1st April 2018) and 30/04/2018 (30 April 2018) no results comes as ofcourse this value 30/04/2018 cannot work with american format.
If I change the users settings date format to be 12/23/2010 everything works fine but this is no permanent option as the users will really get confused in their daily operations.
Until a solution is found, hopefully with the help of you my friends, I have told the users to use the periods conditions-parameters (This Month, Today, Last Month etc) which work ok also.
I would really appreciate any ideas how to fix this.
Thanks in advance
You should upgrade at least to 7.8.18, to get the hundreds of bugfixes that have been made since your current version, and most importantly, to get the many security fixes…
You could do with a PHP upgrade to 7.x, for the same reasons. It also brings a noticeable increase in performance.
About the date formats, if it isn’t fixed with the upgrade, check your logs for any timezone errors (or any ERROR or FATAL messages).
Remember you need to set the timezone in two different php.ini’s:
- the one for the web server which affects the SuiteCRM UI
- the one for command-line (CLI) php, which affects cron jobs
There are also date format settings in Admin / System settings and in the user profile, if I’m not mistaken.
Hello and thanks for the reply.
I indeed did try and upgraded (duplicate site) all along to 7.10 but the issue still existed. So for the productive version I stayed at version 7.6.10 since the upgrade did not fix this.
The date format in Admin/Locale is set to 23/12/2010
In the user profile the same 23/12/2010
For the PHP ini
date.timezone = Europe/Berlin
ibase.dateformat = “%Y-%m-%d” ( I have tried with “%d-%m-%Y” but did not fix the issue.)
I will do PHP upgrade to 7 later this year but before I need to upgrade some other sites in the server for compatibility.
I would appreciate any other thoughts
Can you check if your php.ini settings are getting picked up by going in Admin / Diagnostics and extracting the phpinfo from there? (not from somewhere else, please).
Yes it seems the php info is picked and verified it by downloading the created diagnostics file
Executing Diagnostic Operations...
Getting config.php...
Getting custom dir...
Getting phpinfo()
Getting...... Database info... Database dumps... Database schema
Getting md5 information...
Checking that bean files exist...
Getting suitecrm.log
Couldn't copy suitecrm.log to cacheDir.
SuiteCRM schema output (VARDEFS)
I do have the feeling that my issue is actually related to this
I verified that when for the user the Date format is 23-12-2010 then no report at all is produced!
That issue has a fix there. It has’t been released yet, it should be in the next version coming out next week.
Thank you for the reply. Will that fix be applicable only to latest 7.10.x versions or can be applied to earlier versions like mine?
The branches currently getting updates are 7.8, 7.9, and 7.10. These get all the security updates, and the bug fixes. The new stuff (enhancements) only goes into 7.10.
You can consider applying the fix manually:
but make sure you get backups of everything first, and run some tests.
OK, I replaced the two files with the ones in github (atatched here in case I am wrong) but still the problem exists.
Is it because it is meant for newer versions?
I replaced the original files. Just for the sake of the information I verify that when the user’s date format is set to 2010/12/23 the reporting works OK and also if I manually type the value of the date (I mean by not using the popup calendar) with american format then the reporting works also.
I’m sorry, but I can’t afford to dig deep into this issue for an old version. If, instead of replacing the entire files, you can try just making the code changes where they are needed, that might work. But other than that I think the wise approach is to upgrade to the latest LTS, 7.8.19, when it comes out next week.
The bight side is, you’ll get hundreds of additional security fixes and bug fixes.
Hello again,
I have moved my server to PHP 7.1 and now waiting for the 7.8.19 LTS
Will it be this week please?
Thanks in advance
Well it seems the week reached it’s end and there are no new releases yet, sorry. Maybe Monday, if all goes well.
We’re putting ourselves through a lot of pain because this release introduces several new things in automated testing and it’s not going very smoothly. It’s worth it, in the end, but I must admit it is disrupting our schedule. I appreciate everybody’s patience. Thanks.
Hello again,
I verify that with the 7.8.19 version the report with mm/dd/yyyy date format works fine. Thank you so much.
Unfortunatelly version 7.8.xx seems to break the oqc_product module and I would appreciate if you could have a look at the other topic I started.