I’ve noticed that someone has reported a similar issue on the SuiteCRM github page:
In that, they’ve detailed that the “lastRun” value for the Scheduled Report is “NULL”, (as it is a new record)
However, changing that value resolves the issue, and allows the report to run
Are you able to update this value, or run the report manually?
Hopefully that resolves the issue!
If you have Database access, you should be able to change the “last_run” value in the “aor_scheduled_reports” table.
If you don’t, then you could perhaps create a Workflow to set “last_run” = “date_created” on the creation of Scheduled Reports records, that should ensure that “last_run” is not NULL for any new scheduled reports records
i cannot access the database directly. because this suitecrm host from AWS. we cannot access that server instance. Tell me anyother method to update “last run” column.
Have you tried the Workflow method mentioned above?
I believe that should allow you to modify the value from the CRM-end
I don’t believe you’d need any conditions, but feel free to add some.
You should only need a “Modify Record” action that sets “Last run” to “Date Created”'s value.