
Hi, Can you set up roles and groups on the system, We have 3 regions and we dont want each region to see other users leads, but if they are contacting the same lead or contact it must be flagged as who the owner is. We also looking at from a management point…they would like to see all activities from all regions

Is this possible


SuiteCRM you are able to create Roles & Groups

You can create roles and add users, control access and ability for those users

In your message

“we dont want each region to see other users leads”

“but if they are contacting the same lead or contact it must be flagged as who the owner is”

These conflict with one another

You can set it up so users only see what is in their Role

Or you can set it so users see everything but can only edit their own

One way we have found works

Allow users to view everything, edit their own or their group

For duplicates we use -

If a user creates a Lead that already exists it flags as a duplicate and shows the assigned user

Hope this helps