I’m on suitecrm 7.1.1. I’ve a group with an assigned role.
Setting ‘group’ to ‘edit’ action, prevents users in the same group to share their meetings in such a way that user x can’t see the meetings created by a user y
(see attached image)
as you can see from the attached image I’ve 2 users X, and Z.
Those users are in a group named ‘foobar’ with a role assigned as explained in the picture. X can’t see the meetings inserted by Z and vice versa when I set ‘group’ to edit or delete action.
The Calendar module has some unique ways of grabbing all of the meetings, etc which is causing them not to show. I believe in your case it may be as simple as editing /modules/Calendar/CalendarActivity.php and changing anything that looks like:
There may be some other dependencies and if there are then this and those other needed changes are in the full edition of SecuritySuite. Hopefully it’s just this small tweak.