Road Warriors

Hi All

I am hoping someone will have the answer for this.

The situation I am looking at is, with my company that would be using SuiteCRM. I have a large number of folks on the road, not necessarily with a laptop.

The ideal world achieve on this is that their email is being sucked into SuiteCRM. So they can see their inbound emails and send email. However, we want all those email interactions to end up in SuiteCRM. So to my mind this equals two possibilities.

  1. Is there a mobile application that reveals the emailing functionalities of CRM. Revealing emails that have been received by the user (as the web version does) and also tracking sent emails against the contact or account record when it is sent?? I have seen many many mobile apps for SuiteCRM but I have not been able to understand if they can support the email piece.

  2. SuiteCRM, in the same way as it is able to track inbound emails against a contact or account. Would also be able to “suck in” emails sent through the sent items and associate them to a contact or account the email was sent to!

Does anyone know if one or either of these possibilities exist?

This is the one issue which is preventing me from pushing this into a larger scope of deployment beyond just testing.

Thanks all!


I would ask the QuickCRM guys if I were you

I don’t think they have the Email module inside the app, but you can use the phone’s Email app and then try to cover the linking/unlinking with CRM records via Workflows or a bit of custom code. But they should be able to tell you exactly what their recommended approach is.

Thanks for the advice pgr

I did talk to them. It seems that the only way to make this work is a combination of addons. Using their mobile app will work admirably, other than the fact, they cannot capture the outgoing email…

For that I’d have to get the outlook plugin (assuming outlook is being used).

So it’s a two step process to handle one relatively simple task. it’s a bit of a gap in the "market’ as it were. Hopefully someone will come up with a more economical way to resolve it.


Well, the Outlook plugin is for Windows only, not for mobile, I believe.

You could consider simply sending people through the normal web interface, even if they are on the road. Maybe a tablet or a large smartphone could be enough to have the full SuiteCRM user interface available to you.

The new Email UI will be better to use in small screens than the current Email UI. You should wait for release 7.9.1 (maybe tomorrow) and try it (on a test system!) on a mobile screen.