rmdir_recursive(): argument is not a file or a dir.


I have created many custom modules until now (with module builder) . But today if i try to make another one I get this error:

(sugarcrm.log) rmdir_recursive(): argument is not a file or a dir.

And my module can’t be deployed.

I’m running sugarcrm 7.1.1 and I can’t upgrade to new version.

( I’ve chmoded 777 all crm dirs in my intranet )

Any idea to help me?


Ok got it:

in include/utils.php put something like that:

‘default_permissions’ => array (
‘dir_mode’ => 02770,
‘file_mode’ => 0660,
‘chown’ => ‘www-data’,
‘chgrp’ => ‘www-data’,

and do so in /config.php