Retrieving the results of a report

I am building a custom entry point for our SuiteCRM, and I want to retrieve the data from two different reports already created with reports module, then based on both reports data I will retrieve extra data from a 3rd API service and then I will display the whole data to the user for confirmation.

$bean = BeanFactory::GetBean('AOR_Reports');
$report = $bean->retrieve($report_id);//Load Report

The above will retrieve the proper report but not the actual results
Is there anything like:


Thank you in advance!

UP ! :slight_smile:

I am still trying to figure out the above, I’ll post an update.

Since I haven’t find yet, a command like


I thought I could use the "Export’ of a report that is a csv file, so I tried

echo $results;

But I am getting a login screen, that if I use my credentials the file gets downloaded. Probably this is something about the session and the cookies(?).
This will be triggered automated so user login is not an option.
Should I use curl instead of file_get_contents?

Any help is appreciated!

… a bit disappointed that no one post an answer or just a hint/tip.

Anyway I managed to retrieve a report’s data with the below:

$bean = BeanFactory::GetBean('AOR_Reports',$report_id);//Load Report
$query=$bean->build_report_query(); //Get query
$result = $bean->db->query($query); //Execute query
if ($result->num_rows>0){
	$data = $bean->db->fetchByAssoc($result); //Fetch data

It doesn’t contain the report headers but it is fine for me.


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Today I figure out that my previous post was returning only one first of data.

$bean = BeanFactory::GetBean('AOR_Reports',$report_id);//Load Report
$query=$bean->build_report_query(); //Get query
$result = $bean->db->query($query); //Execute query
if ($result->num_rows>0){
	while ($row = $bean->db->fetchByAssoc($result)) { //Fetch data and create table
		$data[$i] = $row;

In the end everything you need is in the $data