I have been using the API v 4_1 successfully for a couple of years through a VB.NET httpwebrequest.
I am trying to use the new V8 API (running SuiteCRM v7.10.11) but cannot get it to connect.
I have set up the Client Credentials Client
If I click on List OAuth2 Tokens I get the error Error: File [modules/OAuth2Tokens/metadata/editviewdefs.php] is missing
When I try to create an httpwebrequest to http://[SuiteCRMIP]/SuiteCRM/api/oauth/access_token I get a 404 error
When I try to create an httpwebrequest to https://[SuiteCRMIP]/SuiteCRM/api/oauth/access_token I get a vb.net error āunable to connect to the remote serverā when I try to .GetRequestStream()
I also tried http and https using [SuiteCRMIP]/SuiteCRM/Api/V8/OAuth2/access_token
The same code has been working fine with API v 4_1 and I am just hoping somebody can help me narrow down what I am doing wrong so I can fix the problem
It could be something with my windows system or VB.NET trying to make a https connection instead of a http connection
It could be something with the address /SuiteCRM/api/oauth/access_token address I am trying to use since I donāt see that location in /var/www/html/SuiteCRM
It could have something to do with that modules/OAuth2Tokens/metadata/editviewdefs.php error
or maybe something I am missing or all of the above?
I narrowed down part of my problem. First I had to enable SSL on my server and create a self signed certificate.
I had to add this to my code to get past the self-signed certificate
System.Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = Function(se As Object,
cert As System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate,
chain As System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Chain,
sslerror As System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors) True
Now I get a 404 not found error. I am still thinking it is something with the url I am using. I donāt see /SuiteCRM/api/oauth/ on the server. I found /SuiteCRM/Api/V8/OAuth2/ but I donāt see any access_token anywhere in the SuiteCRM directory. Can anybody verify the correct url to use for oauth2 access?
I am new to rest api and also having issues like steveS has described. To add to issue I have also configured web.config to change entry point from /api to lib/api/public as per document found at https://deploy-preview-90āsuitedocs.netlify.com/developer/api/version-8/configure-suitecrm/