Hi guys!
First sorry for my English.
Here is the thing. I have 2 instances of SuiteCRM, one is 7.2.1 and the another 7.3.1.
I installed the module Alineasol Reports on both and all in PC was fine.
If I access SuiteCRM through iPad I have issues with report visualization with 7.3.1 version. If I see it in the 7.2.1 version all it’s ok but in 7.3.1 the columns are not ok it organise the columns like rows and I can’t see the Reports OK.
I need to see it ok in 7.3.1 version because it’s our production version.
¿It is possible to disable the responsive when I see on iPad without changing theme?
¿It is possible to downgrade from 7.3.1 to 7.2.1?
¿It is possible to configure a custom module with responsive parameters to see it ok?
This is very important thing.
Thanks guys! You’re the best!