Resource Calendar Module

I have a resource calendar in my suitecrm (basically it takes projects and synks them to a day !)

When i click on “resource calendar” if i have this calendar in front of me i can search:

Search Projects
Search Users
Select Contacts
Start Date:

How do I edit these, i.e. get rid of “Search Projects”.

Thanks in advance for your help !


Can you send a screenshot? I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about…

I’d say this is probably here

You would probably need to comment out or remove two td blocks: the one starting on line 133, and the following one, which only ends on line 137, if I’m seeing things correctly.

Are you a developer? You need to understand the syntax there, otherwise you will break the code.

If you make the changes there directly, it won’t be upgrade-safe. It’s likely that this can be made upgrade-safe by using a copy of this file in custom dir, you’d have to try it.

Tell me if you need more help.


Thanks for that, yes I am a developer, I just couldn’t find that file !

Thanks for your help !

This is how I found it (I often use this trick in SuiteCRM):

On GitHub, search for a distinctive string with quotes:


In the results, you get the corresponding Label (LBL_…), in this case, LBL_PROJECTS_SEARCH.

Now do a second search for that, and it takes you to the place in the code:
