Reset Password Issue

Hi everyone,

Version 7.11.3
Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344)

When I try to reset the password by clicking on the forget password link on the login page, it sends me reset password link to my email. But when I click on that link, it redirects me to login page instead of showing new password page.

I have checked site_url and host_url in config.php and also checked rewritebase in .htaccess. All seems good.

Any thoughts on this issue?

Thanks in advance.

Iā€™m having the same problem on 7.11.21. It was working properly on 7.11.13 but it stopped working when we upgraded about 1 month ago.

Hey folks, there is a known issue on the reset password link. We are working up a fix so stay tune for the fix to appear on the repo.