Reschedule undefined error / failure


I’ve been working with suiteCRM for a few months now using it as the foundation for a specific application.

I’ve come across an issue when using reschedule. The button loads but the window is pressed to the top left corner of the screen.
When I reduce the window it does pop to the middle but many of the fields are missing.
I’ve attached a screenshot for illustration.

Cancel is the only button that works.

My dev environment is:

PHP 5.3.10
MySQL 5.5.x
Ubuntu LAMP.

As my Dev instance is fully populated with many custom fields and modules, I have also tested this on a fresh install using Lampp 1.7 and another test server similar to the first. Both with the same results.

In all installations the permissions are correct and ownership is that of the web server. I’ve also performed a repair and rebuild in each case.

Is anyone else experiencing this issue?


Well in the end it was pretty simple to solve. the labels and drop down were missing from the en_us.language files. They did exist in the Russian and Spanish language files though.

So all that is needed is to:

Go to Admin>Dropdown editor and create a drop down list called ‘call_reschedule_dom’ if it doesn’t exist already.
Fill this with your chosen reasons for rescheduling.

Then open custom/Extension/application/Ext/Language/en_us.Reschedule.php and at the bottom insert:

$app_strings['LBL_RESCHEDULE_LABEL'] = 'Reschedule'; 
$app_strings['LBL_RESCHEDULE_TITLE'] = 'Reschedule the call by changing the settings here:'; 
$app_strings['LBL_RESCHEDULE_DATE'] = 'Please set a date and time to recall:'; 
$app_strings['LBL_RESCHEDULE_REASON'] = 'Reason for not making the call:';

Or whatever text you prefer.
Finally do a ‘Quick repair and rebuild’ to complete the process.

Not a bug just some missing entries.

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