Requirement field does not update system wide - just in studio

I have been trying to change the required field for targets from ‘Last Name’ to ‘Account Name’. I have modified requirement fields through the developers studio; however for some reason it will not update system wide. Although the settings have been changed when you try to create a target there is still an asterisk by the Last Name.

I am not sure where to go from here. Can anyone please direct me in a direction to go if I am doing things incorrectly or if there is another method to rectify the issue.

You might be having some installation problem, or a bug. There were some bugs in Studio recently, what is your SuiteCRM version?

But if you see that Studio works well for other things, only not for this… I fear that perhaps changing some crucial things in default modules might not work. These modules are very linked to many parts of the code, so maybe it’s not possible to change things like this without breaking SuiteCRM, and for that reason Studio could be preventing you.

Try adding a second required field, but not removing the current required field.

We have version 7.9.7 Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344).

I was able to make the account_name a required field for the target module, this is the field we would like to have required since we know the name of the business we are trying to target but we don’t usually have a point of contact.

You could update to the latest 7.9.x version, bugs have been fixed. Make sure to backup first (as a general precaution before any update).

If I may suggest a different approach: Target Lists can work with several concepts:

  • Targets
  • Contacts
  • Leads
  • Accounts
  • Users

So perhaps you’re better off simply using the Accounts module for your Accounts, and then putting them in Target Lists for Campaigns.

You don’t have to use the Targets module if it doesn’t fit your needs well enough.

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