Required urgently: Pitch / Sales document for SuiteCRM

Hi guys

We are pitching SuiteCRM as a solution for our very large corporate company. I need some kind of document, profile or sales-geared document to use in pitching SuiteCRM to our Executive Committee. As it stand the website does name the features - but there is no real expansion of what each feature does, and I do not want to thumbsuck it.

Do you have any kind of material available that I can use to pitch SuiteCRM to our Exco?

Your urgent help will be appreciated.



Guys really. I have sent email via your contact form and I have posted here. For several days, no replies. Yet you fail to understand why people are hesitant to support your campaign. This is not professional and certainly does not instill confidence in Salesagility as a company.


When did you send an email (was it just yesterday?) via the contact form as we don’t have your query. Are you using a free email account such as Gmail to send in the enquiry? It may be blocked through our spam filter.



I agree, SA needs to add more sales copy to the feature list, located above on the menu, Products / Comparison.

Each of the 27 features in that list needs to have added to it a full description + images, to illustrate for potential customers and contributors, what value each feature brings to a company, either a company that doesn’t currently use CRM, or uses a different CRM, to give them reason to convert over to Suite.
Not just price per user per month, that’s not the only criteria smart customers uses to base their decision on. Because some competitor features, if they are better, they may be worth more, so customers may be willing to pay more.

A youtube video version of the above, would also be great help, in presenting to potential SuiteCRM customers.

I sent it using my corporate account.

Thanks Chris,

It is something we are actively working on - Including video documentation.


We still don’t seem to have an enquiry from yourself unfortunately.

What I am looking for is the type of document that your own salespeople would use to pitch SuiteCRM to your own large corporates, especially to CTOs etc. Surely you must have some presentations that you have used to pitch to your own clients?



Jaques, I think what you might be looking for is the sales and marketing product comparison documents, case studies, and user success stories, available to Partners, referred to under the Support & Community / Delivery Partners / Programme Details.

Yes. But see my situation. I am still trying to successfully pitch SuiteCRM to our company. We also happen to own the third largest internet company on the planet. (Google, Amazon, us)

Now if I cannot access this information in order to pitch SuiteCRM to my CTO, we are never going to get to the point of even becoming a Partner. My company needs to know yours is legit before any steps will be taken. Now if guys like me can’t get access to the material that markets YOUR product, don’t you think that’s a bit of arse-about-face thinking?

Hi Jacques,

Like I said before, we still don’t have a formal enquiry from yourself and we have checked our online form spam checker and nothing in there either. If you are looking for SalesAgility to carry out this work then send us a formal enquiry and we will do our best to help you out.

It is not in our processes to provide individuals with the sales materials developed by SalesAgility staff unless you are a partner or it is for a body of work SalesAgility is bidding for.



Jacques, here’s some material that pitches the benefits of going with SA as your SuiteCRM delivery / integration partner, and why SuiteCRM is great.

There’s a lot of material, you should check out every page…





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I am going to go to the form on the website now. (12:58 SAST 03/Nov) and resubmit the enquiry.

I share some of Jacques frustration. I am not saying that its easy to make this work but I would like to see more effort in professionalizing the SuiteCRM website interface. I’ve sent numerous questions over the last few months and have had mixed success in getting usable information. … some excellent…some not so much… and some never resonded to.
This is the open source world we live in. Hopefully this forum will begin to evolve and become more useful as more people ASK questions as well as get them answered.
We all need to do our part. I am trying to implement SuiteCRM to an NGO. I looked at SugarCRM first but it was cost prohibitive. I assumed SuiteCRM was the same code base.
I also think it is very important to show what the out-of-box version does not do on the front page of your site. As well as a more up to date way to show the status of key enhancements on the way.
Ill be happy to help out on a new SuiteCRM website design if needed.
I’d like to see this be more Drupal-fied in presentation.

Also please remove the emoticom options on these email forms. This is not a social site. :unsure:


What I am seeing here is a lot of self-important take, take, take.

We are a relatively small technology team. The emphasis here is on technology.

Had the community supported us when we went to Kickstarter then we would be a larger team with a marketing function.

You didn’t and we remain a relatively small technology team.

If you need marketing collateral then for goodness sake do something about it. Don’t just whinge and say “feed me, feed me”. You’re adults, You’re part of a community. Contribute to that community. Create the collateral and we’ll reuse.

Telling us we need this is stating the bleeding obvious. Telling us we must do this for you is laziness. Do it for yourselves and contribute it back.

If the community gives, the project accelerates.

If the community simply takes then the project goes at the speed of the technical team.

So, stop complaining and stop demanding and start doing something.

The key word here is community!!

I could not disagree more. This is a community site. Communities are social constructs. The emoticons stay :cheer: :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :slight_smile: :frowning: B)

Fair enough…
if i knew PHP id be giving more… soon hopefully