Required field not effect when create quick meeting in calendar interface

He there,

When I create quick meeting in calendar interface, require field not effect so that system still allow create. But in case full form interface, require field is effective.
Please help me how to customize effective in case create quick meeting.
Version 7.9.7
Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344)

Thank so much!

Can you please try reproducing this behaviour in the live demo?
user: will
pass: will

Maybe it’s a bug…

Thank you for feedback,
Nothing change in demo version
can still be created directly even though there are required fields

The next steps would be to search on Github if that Issue is already reported

and, if not, open a new Issue for it…

Hi, This problem will be solved in version 7.10?

Just tested in Beta 3, and the problem is still present

If it’s not reported on GitHub, it won’t be solved…

It has been reported at least two times #2645 and #4483 but it has low priority, do you now if exist an option to disable meeting quick create in calendar to avoid this.