Reports options in 8.0.3

Okay… I’ll preface this with saying that I might be crazy.

So we ended up upgrading to 8.0.3 just before rolling out to production for our software. That in itself was a journey, but we made it through that part with minimal damage or therapy needs. However, we are now trying to find a way get some advanced reporting options to support logic within reports and such outside of what the current reports module can manage. None of the add ons are showing support for 8.x.x yet, and most say maybe a year before it’ll be there. Kicking around ideas for other MySQL reporting options, and those are coming up short too.

Now to the crazy - I know there were a BUNCH of changes between 7.12 and 8. A few specific to database (anyone using favorites yet?) that I’ve seen and a lot of others. Anyone have any idea if I were to spin up an instance of 7.12.7 on our server, configure it to point at the same database our production server is using, but just use it for reports/add ons… if it’d blow up or cry or anything? This standalone version would solely house reports at this point, we’d build up a quick module for getting our users to the correct report via url or something… But - would it work? Is it worth my time to try to spin it up?

Also - if anyone has any other MySQL reporting options that are able to be hosted on a linux server, running off the MySQL database tied into SuiteCRM that they can suggest at a decent cost, I’d love to hear it!
