Reports - Not recognizing NULL value in Condition

I am trying to run a report where a condition test is a custom field NOT being empty but the report ends up including records where that field is empty.

System: SuiteCRM 7.13 on Debian 11 and Debian 12 (both tried)

I am not sure if it is because SQL stores the field as NULL, not blank, or if there is something else I am missing … or if it is a bug.

I want to create a Target list by running a report against a custom module in which I have stored several fields, including a text field which stores the email address associated with the record. The email field is fetched from the relevant Contact email1 field (if present).

I do not want to include records with no email addresses so I added a Condition to the Report:

  • Field: Email
  • Operator: Not Equal To:
  • Type: Value
  • Value: (left blank)

I have also tried

  • Field: Email
  • Operator: Not Equal To:
  • Type: Value
  • Value: @ (also tried %@%)

But the resultant report includes records with no Email

I see that SQL stores the Email field as NULL so I tried Value: NULL but that does not work either.

How do you create a condition so that the final selection does NOT include records where a specified filed has no entry (blank or NULL)?

Why is it that after working on something for hours and not solving it, as soon as you post for help, the answer is obvious? …

I post this as a “solution” to help others even though it is me admitting stupidity

The issue was my use of AND and OR conditions without using the brackets

I had
field1 = blank
field2 = this
field2 = that

I should have had
field1 = blank
field2 = this
field2 = that

which made it all work

arrgh :slight_smile:

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