Reporting In SuiteCRM with Custom Relative Fields not Working

Hi there,

I am new to SuiteCRM reporting and am looking for a few things:

  1. Any kind of documentation on Reporting in SuiteCRM
  2. Help with a particular reporting issue

When creating a report, I am able to get it to work unless I add a field that references another module. For example, in the Accounts module I have a few custom fields that reference the contacts module and allow us to quickly select a contact and display it in the account. This field, called “Primary Account Contact” is what I want to report on. I want to be able to report on which account does not have this field filled in.

Any thoughts on what this might not be working? The report seems to work when I do not include that field (or any other relevant field like it).

Hi there,

Can you attach a screen shot of the report. Does the report display any results, does it white screen, are you receiving any errors?



Hi Will,

It does not display any results, just shows the report information at the top and then the bottom has the fields requested and gives no rows. I removed all of the conditions so it should give all accounts, but still nothing. Attached is a screenshot as requested.

Thanks for the help!

Hi there,

Can you provide a screen shot of the edit view too(conditions/actions etc.), so I can attempt to replicate the report?



Yep, no problem. Please see the attached.

Would it help to get a look at the error log as well? I can get that and take a look for specific errors as well.

To give you a bit more clarity, the fields Director, IT Director, and all below that are related fields set to specific contacts.

Thanks again!

Hi Will,

Just wondering if you had an update on this issue or if its a bug with how reports work?
