Report Repository - Can we make one?

So I notice that we have not only the ability to make rather advance reports, but also the ability to export our reports. I think it would be very beneficial if we could somehow make a repository on this site or in a central forum location where others can share the reports that they built for others. I don’t know what kind of community support we would have, but it would certainly help some people out.

Would this be something that the community would be interested in doing?

How do we want to store and categorize this information? (links to download or exported file)
We need a way to identify if it is pulling information from an add-on module or the standard fields.
We also need a way to identify what version of SuiteCRM it is coming from.
We should have screenshots or PDF downloads available of the final report with demo data in it.

Let me know if this is something that would interest the community and if you have suggestions on how to proceed. I would also like to hear from the Webmaster if they would be interested in hosting such a section on their site for their members.


That’s one of my biggest hurdles right now. figuring out the best way for reports without paying a huge amount…