Report Parameters


Thanks for an awesome reporting tool SuiteCRM comes with in v7.2 with Chart facility. And great to have a dashlet out of report on Home page.

Have a suggestion though.
With date type fields, for Condition Operators, I think it can be more flexible if we have parameter options like Last 7 days, This month, This Year, etc. That will take Reporting tool to a new level altogether. I can surely use date greater and less than but always have to change when month changes.

For grouping the dates, it would be handy to have option to group by month / year.

Thanks for your suggestion, we’ll note this for future releases.

Hi there,

This was implemented on last version 7.3.1 and as been very useful, but I miss a This month option as I’ve some reports regarding to current month info.

Don’t quite understand yet if is a version bug or on my instalation but, but as on 7.3.1 Report Parameters can’t be set on the report preview (they can be set, but after click on update button and data reload no values are returned) user as to edit the report (not the best option) to set the date interval.

I’ll try to figure where the parameters have been set to implemente this new one. Any point direction will be apreciate.
