Report module, error when I click next page

Hi, please help me here, I have a report, and the question is, is there a way to report show moran than 20 results? because the problem is that my report in this example has 22 records/results, so it says “1-20 / 22”
so when I click the next page is like the page reloads and records disappear even the conditions resets… look image attached: - my question is why this happen? or how can I change this 20

look what happen when I click next: everything resets why?

To increase the sub panel records list, you can set the limit through admin.
In the Administration->system settings : set your limit in ‘Sub panel items per page’.

And for disappearing of data, try to check out the code if you have made any changes.

Hi thanks for the help I will try to expand the limit, I have made some changes in some code, but can you give me an idea where or what file can I look… for this error?