Report Module AND OR condition

Can someone explain to me how And /OR filter dropdown in the report module under condition function will impact the search results?

Condition 1 AND Condition 2 (both should be satisfied)
Condition 1 OR Condition 2 (either one)

Hi @cherub-chum,

Thank you so much for your prompt response, and moving forward can you explain a bit further on how can I use this And / Or condition if I have to filter 2 regions account names with specific provided services.

Example: 2 different regions or countries and if I want to find who is providing a particular service like plumbing. Also, I want to know how And / Or operator condition will differentiate with this search criteria

Please advice

Thank You

So you have a Services Dropdown with options like plumbing, cleaning, electrician etc
and you have a Region Dropdown like Auckland, Bay of Panty etc

The workflow condition between Services AND Region selection would mean that they qualify both i.e. the service you have chosen and they are in the same region. with OR they might provide service which you selected but not the region or they may be in the region but wont qualify the service. so in OR one of them is true or both can be true.