Report module:503 service unbelievable

Report module, when exporting data, such as exporting 3000 pieces of data, if there is more data, 503 will appear. What should I do?


Hi @AndyGuo,

What are we seeing on screen? is that an web interface of the php.ini?

Ether way please check the SuiteCRM.logs and the php logs for any lines that may be of interest. Try checking for the time the 503 is encountered.

This is the parameter setting of apche

Strangely, when I export more than 3000 pieces of data, it will display an error

I don’t know if there is a problem with my environment setting or where is the system?

Thanks for letting me know, could you share the parts of the suitecrm.log and apache2 logs that may of relevance to this issue, for example 20 seconds ether side of the issue occurring.