Report Dashlets black border


If you create a new dashlet based on a report then it will have an incomplete black border which looks a bit weird. Please see attached screenshot.

The default dashlets such as My Activity Stream do not have this black border and look beautiful imho.

Is it possible to remove the black border from the report dashlets?

Should the black border be there in the first place or is it just my system?

I fixed it by using the Suite 7 theme.

Hi Luolon,

Which version of SuiteCRM are you using?

If I create a report dashlet in the Most recent version, 7.5.2, this issue no longer occurs on the SuiteR theme.

This was logged on github here:

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Hi John,

Iā€™m using 7.4.3, so I guess it will be fixed when we upgrade to the newest version.
