Repairing utf8 data deleted lots of email addresses in contacts


I just ran the upgrade from 7.12.2 to 7.12.3 in the hope that it would solve search issues. I then ran the utf8 repair in synchronous mode using the UI.

However, lots of my contacts’ email addresses have simply disappeared. Does anyone else have the same problem ?

Additional environment info
PHP 7.4.27
MySQLi Version: mysqlnd 7.4.27
MySQLi Server Info: 5.5.5-10.6.5-MariaDB-1:10.6.5+maria~focal
MySQLi Client Encoding: utf8
MySQL Character Set Settings: character_set_client = utf8mb3, character_set_connection = utf8mb3, character_set_database = utf8mb3, character_set_filesystem = binary, character_set_results = utf8mb3, character_set_server = utf8mb4, character_set_system = utf8mb3

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