Repair/rebuild resets PhpStorm's favorites

I believe SalesAgility devs used to use PhpStorm so hopefully someone knows the answer to this. Basically whenever I do repair and rebuild it resets all of the favorites in PhpStorm. The favorites are stored in .idea/workspace.xml, so i’m not sure how or why repair/rebuild operation affects it.

Has anyone been able to fix this? Is there a way to possibly force repair/rebuild operation to ignore this specific file?

Hmm sees like and issue to me, could you report it on github?

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Hhm I don’t see how this could be a SuiteCRM issue. A PHPStorm issue, perhaps… but strange, nevertheless.

What if it’s permissions? Maybe the QR&R changes the files permissions, and PHPStorm loses access, and drops the entries from Favorites.

A way to test this theory:

  1. Check the favorites are ok
  2. Close PHP Storm
  3. Run the QR &R
  4. Give everything 777 access again, just as a test
  5. Open PHP Storm
  6. Check if the favorites are still ok
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Apparently this is a longstanding PhpStorm bug that they’ve been meaning to fix since 2016… :frowning: