Reopen case after new response


I’m using the SuiteCRM-7.11.17 on CentOS 7.8 with Apache v2.4.6, php v7.2.34 and Mysql v5.6.49.

After I closed a case, it’s possibel reopen a ticket if receive a new response from client to same case?


  • Client send email and, automatically, the case is created. [Case:1] Problem ping
  • After solve the problem, I send a email to inform that the issue is solve. And I close the case (Status - Closed).
  • But, two days after, the problem occurs again and the client reply to inform (RE: [Case:1] Probem ping).The email is, automatically, attached to case 1, but the case 1 continue “closed”.

It’s possible, when receive a reply to a case, reopen the case? So, change the status to New_open, automatically?

Best Regards.

Hi @DiogoTeixeira,

Welcome to the Community! :tada:

You’d mostly want to look at a workflow here with the following setup,

On a scheduler that runs say every 30 minutes

If a case status is closed
If last updated is less than 30 minutes ago

Set case status to New or whatever youd prefer
Optionally send an email to the assigned user

Give this a go and if you have any issue please let me know :+1:

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In this answer, I just want to know , how to find last update and last update for cases or Case update.
I am struggling for find last update case update.

For the method above your conditions should look like this;

Make sure to select “Cases” as your module!

From this screen , one scenario has failed , Like employee done 5 case closed and then
workflow scheduler run every 5 minute has changes all status open. Which make me trouble .

What i want from workflow , if any case update thread created after closed case then workflow do update the status of case . Please look my screen shot . why this workflow is not working. ?

It’s likely something to do with the case update always being set on save so no matter how you refer to it it’s gonna trigger on the update.

With some thinking you could try the following;
Check the workflow on the scheduler to ensure it only runs in waves and detects actual updates and not just the minor updates.
Check for any updates on a text field within case updates so that when a new one is entered, the compared text is detected and allows the workflow to trigger.

So simple I can add one logic hook before save on case update and checking case is closed status. If case has closed status then update case status though logic hook on case thread update .

Thanks for support.

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If I understand correctly, you don’t need anything special. Just set your case Status Changes conditions in Admin/Case Module Settings

You learn a new thing every day, well, reminded at least. Thanks for bringing this option up!

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Thank to all member, I have update setting through AOP , now it’s working fine.