Renaming Relationship Label

Is there a PR proposing this fix?

What is a “PR” … and how does one go about creating one?

It is a Pull Request on GitHub, It’s the way developers use to contribute fixes like this one to the source code.

I don’t believe positiveit’s solution still works.
Tested on Version 7.11.20

The values for the labels are being pulled from here:

Then get overwritten with values from here:

The simple solution that worked for me was to delete all the files in:

contains the function addLabels that originally creates the files in
(It has comments about fixing this issue (as bug #51))
The problem is even though this function is called each time the labels are edited, the section of code that is supposed to update the labels in the SuiteCRM/custom/Extension/modules/{module}/Ext/Language folder doesn’t run because $forRelationshipLabel is always false.

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Im on 7.11.22 and the fix is still working for me ?