Removing unused subpannels from modules

In our CRM system we do not used detailed Quote, Contract and Lead modules. So I want to remove these subpannels from the opportunities but couldn’t manage that from Studio since the default relationships seem to be baked in and uneditable even for admins.

Is there an easy way to remove subpannels form opportunities or other modules for that matter. I have found the below thread from 10 years ago but could not make it work, I guess that would be due to version differences.

Have you tried this in the studio?


You could move subpanels to hidden section.

Sorry if I am getting It wrong but doesn’t the documentation talk about making fields of subpannels hidden instead of the subpannel itself? Am I missing something?

Yeah. It is to hide fields from the subpanels. :sweat_smile:

Solved it…
Go ADMIN>Module Loader and then select Module Settings>Display Modules and Subpannels

In there you can completely hide modules on the top menu or hide subpanels in the menu just below it

Just make sure you wait a couple minutes until the changes take affect.
I hope this helps everyone with this issue.


Oh awesome :partying_face: I just read info on that option.

Choose which modules are displayed in the navigation bar and which subpanels are displayed system-wide

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