remove panels (leads, cases, direct reports, quotes, invoices, contracts, events) from Contact


Hi, is there a way to remove or hide the following panels in Contacts?
• Leads
• Cases
• Direct Reports
• Quotes
• Invoices
• Contracts
• Events

Just can’t seem to remove the relationship within studio, Is there a workaround solution for this?

You can’t delete any of the default relationships in Studio.

The panels displayed on the contact page are listed in /modules/Contacts/metadata/subpaneldefs.

If you add a file to custom/Extension/modules/Contacts/Ext you can add lines to unset the panels you don’t want e.g to get rid of leads

unset($layout_defs[‘Contacts’][‘subpanel_setup’]['leads] );

When you do a repair and rebuild it will update /modules/Contacts/metadata/subpaneldefs and remove the unwanted panels from the contacts page


You probably figured this out already but just in case you/others
The easiest way is to go to Administration -> Dev Tools section 1/2 way down -> Display modules and sub panels

Drag over the ones you want to hide.

Unfortunately, Direct Reports isn’t one you can control, even if you never us it, like us.

I suppose no one have figured out how to do so maybe w/o affecting some sales process/dependency?

So you will have to comment that out. Can someone direct us where? I would like to remove it also as we don’t use it.

Hope that helps a bit :cheer: Attachment