Reminder Example workflow not working correctly

Hello All,
I am trying to create a reminder workflow at suitecrm. The reminder workflow should send a warning email to my email address if my “ticket module” (a module i built using module builder)'s “status” field stays pending for two days

I followed the example at this link (here) exactly like it says.

My Workflow conditions are:

1- Date modified greater than (Now - 2 days)

2- Status is pending.

My action is ( send email to my email address). the Repeated Run is NOT checked as requested at the above link.

The problem is the workflow never waits for two days,it sends the email as soon as i add a new record to the selected module.

I also tried a new condition (Now + 2 days) just in case, and same problem happens.

Is there anything i am doing wrong ?

here are some information that may help

-Suitecrm version is Version 7.1.4,Sugar Version 6.5.18 (Build 1110) -I created the cron job to run the cron.php every 1 minute as requested by Suitecrm

Thank You

Hi amakki,

If you require a workflow to wait 2 days, the optimal condition to use is ‘Less than or Equal to Now - 2 days’.



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Thank You alot for fast responding and your time.

This solved the problem really. it was a wrong configured conditions.

Thank you

Nice! @Will is posible do the same workflow but the remineder send to the contact person in the account and in the opportunity?

Did you ever work out if it’s possible to send the reminder to the contact person in the account and in the opportunity?

Yes @raygrey here is the workflow hope works for you B)

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That is the workflow windows