Relationship not working

I have a package, training, and two modules, classes, courses. I create a relationship of one course to many classes. I add a relate field Course to the class module. I create some courses. I create a class and relate it to one of the courses.

I go into courses and select the course I just used for the class I created. Under the course, there is a classes subpanel, but no classes appear there.

When I query the database I see the table train_course_train_classes_1_c and when I run a query it is empty.

In the one to many relationship I have one course to many classes, my understanding was that I have done things correctly.

I am using SuiteCRM 7.11.1

We are using MS Sql Server as a back end and Apache for the web server.

Can anyone see something I am doing wrong or perhaps I misunderstand the way it should work?

If I understand correctly, you’ve added a one-to-many relationship AND a relate field.

The one-to-many relationship is probably the one you want to use. It creates automatically a subpanel and a field that you should add to the detail/editview. But you don’t need to add an additional relate-field (it has nothing to do with the previous relationship).

Great thank you. That helped, still a few oddities but the classes are showing up.
