Relationship Field not showing up in EditView

Hello and Happy Holidays!
I have a custom module eks_activity that has a couple of relationships to other modules. However, when I try to add the field in the Edit View it is not showing up even after rebuilding relationships and doing a quick repair multiple times.

Relationship in Studio:

the field label was automatically created as you can see

and there also is a database table for the relationship:

I have checked the error logs but there only some warnings about unrelated modules that I wanted to fix at a later time
snippet from error log:

Sat Dec 23 10:48:47 2023 [134304][1][ERROR] Unable to find relationship emails_email_templates
Sat Dec 23 10:48:47 2023 [134304][1][ERROR] Unable to find relationship emails_email_templates
Sat Dec 23 10:48:47 2023 [134304][1][ERROR] Unable to find relationship projects_contacts_resources
Sat Dec 23 10:48:47 2023 [134304][1][ERROR] Unable to find relationship am_projecttemplates_contacts_resources
Sat Dec 23 10:48:47 2023 [134304][1][ERROR] Warning: Multiple links found for relationship eks_projects_contacts_1 within module eks_projects
Sat Dec 23 10:48:47 2023 [134304][1][ERROR] Warning: Multiple links found for relationship eks_projects_contacts_1 within module Contacts
Sat Dec 23 10:48:47 2023 [134304][1][ERROR] Warning: Multiple links found for relationship eks_projects_contacts_1 within module eks_projects
Sat Dec 23 10:48:47 2023 [134304][1][ERROR] Warning: Multiple links found for relationship eks_projects_contacts_1 within module Contacts
Sat Dec 23 10:48:47 2023 [134304][1][ERROR] Warning: Multiple links found for relationship eks_project_position_contacts_1 within module eks_project_position
Sat Dec 23 10:48:47 2023 [134304][1][ERROR] Warning: Multiple links found for relationship eks_project_position_contacts_1 within module Contacts
Sat Dec 23 10:48:47 2023 [134304][1][ERROR] Warning: Multiple links found for relationship eks_project_position_contacts_1 within module eks_project_position
Sat Dec 23 10:48:47 2023 [134304][1][ERROR] Warning: Multiple links found for relationship eks_project_position_contacts_1 within module Contacts
Sat Dec 23 10:48:47 2023 [134304][1][ERROR] Unable to find relationship projects_users_resources
Sat Dec 23 10:48:47 2023 [134304][1][ERROR] Unable to find relationship am_projecttemplates_users_resources

I am using SuiteCRM 8.4 and am unsure how to fix this. Maybe adding the field in detailviewdefs is possible?

Any help is appreciated

I think Studio is not too clear with v8, because in v8 the edit view and the detail view are actually the same, called Record View.

If you use Studio for one of them, I forget which one, it should work. If you use it for the other it is totally ignored and you are not told about it, which is, well, not good.

well the field is neither showing up in edit or detailview which is a problem

Just to be clear, because it’s not obvious to me from reading your post. Which side of the relationship are you expecting to find the field?

One-to-Many - The Primary Module’s record will contain a subpanel, and the Related Module’s record will contain a relate field.

In your example eks_items whould have a field and eks_activity won’t have a field, only a subpanel.


I was expecting it to have a relate field because for some reason the subpanel wasn’t showing up at all. I have studied the docs and decided to do most of my relationships to make them Many to Many. Thx for the reply

Think through what you actually want to happen. Many to Many as a general rule for everything is not necessarily a good rule to follow. For example: Tasks would be a one to many. So for example the task would be related to lets say one account. However the account may have many tasks related to it. In this case this is exactly what you want. It will also allow you to have a list of tasks by account in listview on the task side in a way you would expect, Whereas you couldn’t do this wilt a many to many, each relationship would have it’s own line. It simplifies a bunch of stuff if you only really need a one to many. Also data entry is so much easier if the task if you are doing one to many.

Calls to contacts would be an example of many to many. You can have many contacts in a call and contact can have many calls related. You get a subpanel on both sides. Also note it’s difficult to sort calls by “contact” in listview because any case where there are more than one contact on a call, you will have multiple lines and it will be difficult to count how many open calls you have, lets say.

For one to many, you should find that Studio adds the relate field automatically on the correct side of the relationship.

It may not always be named as you expect though. I always check the labels to make sure the field I think is the relate field is actually the one I think it is.

If the subpanel isn’t showing up on the other side check in admin and make sure the Display Modules and Menu Filters isn’t hiding it.