Related/Relationships fields not clickable (assigned_to, created_by, modified_by)

I have installed a fresh Instance of SuiteCRM 7.11.15 and I am facing this issue.
Related/Relationships fields not clickable (assigned_to, created_by, modified_by) on DetailView

I also tried to create a custom related field with account from the Leads module, that was also not clickable.!
see attached screenshot.

Can anyone help?



From that screenshot, it looks like all of the highlighted relationships are to the Users module

It seems like, out of the box, relationships to Users on the Detailview aren’t generated as hyperlinks

However, I’ve also tried creating a “Relate Field” on the Leads module, linking to Accounts, and the Hyperlink seems to generate without issue

What method did you use to create the Leads->Account link that’s having issue?