ReferenceError: SUGAR is not defined

Hi, i found some permission problem here on a 7.1.5 SuiteCRM istance.
In home page i’m getting a White screen with:

ReferenceError: SUGAR is not defined

In this passage:


In my Development System (a Wamp environment on a VM) everything works fine.

On my host environment it’s not working; if i set permissions via FileZilla like
775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php

and in config.php i set

 'dir_mode' => 1533,
'file_mode' => 436,

what else can i try?

I uploaded again the DB and files,
now i can login and i just got “undefined” error about:

“NetworkError: 404 Not Found - http://…/cache/jsLanguage/it_it.js?v=okTxQDkFw_3oqItoqyPeTQ”

Try going to Admin->Repiar and Rebuild .htaccess File

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It works!!!