Redirect to SuiteCRM Dashboard, bypassing Login page


On my website, I would like to redirect to suitecrm. I already have the username and password for suitecrm. Can I send the login credentials to the suitecrm url (post request, etc) to skip the login page, and go directly to the dashboard?


Hello @jomelp

Sending login credentials directly to SuiteCRM to bypass the login page is not recommended due to security risks. Instead, consider the following options:

  1. Use Standard Login:

    • Allow users to log in through the SuiteCRM login page by entering their credentials.
  2. Single Sign-On (SSO):

    • Set up Single Sign-On to enable seamless logins with existing credentials.
    • Configure SuiteCRM to use an SSO provider such as LDAP, Active Directory, or OAuth2.
  3. Custom Integration:

    • Authenticate users on your website.
    • Utilize SuiteCRM API (REST or SOAP) to log in users to SuiteCRM programmatically.

I hope this information proves helpful. If you have any concerns, please feel free to reach out community forum.


Hello @chirag_biz309 ,

I already know the login credentials, just need to redirect without needing to go through the login page. I am interested with option 2 (SSO). Users can already login to my website via Google SSO. When I redirect to SuiteCRM, can I use Google SSO to bypass the login page? Can you point me to links on how to do this?


Hi @jomelp

You can enable Single Sign-On (SSO) for SuiteCRM using Google SSO if your users are already logging in through Google on your website. Here’s a quick guide:

1. Set Up OAuth2 in SuiteCRM:

  • Log in as admin in SuiteCRM.
  • Go to Admin > OAuth2 Clients.
  • Create a new OAuth2 client with your Google SSO details.

2. Configure Google as IDP:

  • Create a project in Google Developer Console.
  • Set up OAuth consent screen.
  • Generate OAuth 2.0 client IDs.
  • Configure SuiteCRM OAuth2 with Google’s client ID and secret.

3. Implement Google SSO Redirect:

  • Redirect users to SuiteCRM with a URL like:

4. Test the Integration:

  • Verify the integration by accessing the URL or adding a button on your website.

Refer to SuiteCRM docs and community forums for detailed steps and assistance.

I hope this information will be helpful to you.


Hi @chirag_biz309 ,

Thanks for the quick response. I’ll try this out in a few days.

What about username/password login? I found I can get an access token using OAuth Password Grant Type. Can I use the access token to redirect to the dashboard from my website?


You could have single user on the SuiteCRM and share username & password with your users. If they save this credential with browser, it will hardly take 5 seconds to login. :melting_face:

Why do you have such requirement? :thinking:

Hi @rsp ,

My website handles onboarding of new users to suitecrm, using API. I have a button that redirects to suitecrm. It should go directly to the dashboard, no need to login again.

The website should handle the login process internally, getting an access token for valid logins. What i need is a way to redirect to the dashboard. Can the access token be used?


Oh that’s an interesting functionality. I don’t know how to build it but if I get any ideas; I will share with you.

Hi @jomelp

Using an access token obtained through OAuth Password Grant Type can authenticate API requests to SuiteCRM, but SuiteCRM typically relies on session-based authentication, making direct dashboard access challenging. For seamless login and dashboard access, consider these steps:

1. Authenticate the User:

  • Use OAuth during onboarding to obtain an access token.

2. API Requests:

  • Include the access token in API requests for SuiteCRM interaction.

3. Redirect to Dashboard:

  • Redirect the user to the SuiteCRM dashboard URL, considering session authentication.

4. Explore SSO:

  • Explore Single Sign-On solutions for a more integrated authentication experience.

Ensure secure access token handling and align with your application’s security requirements.

Hope this helps!


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Hi @chirag_biz309 ,

Could you elaborate item2? I just need to make any API request using the access token? If the request is successful, redirect to the dashboard?


Hi @jomelp,

Absolutely! Let’s break down item 2:

1. Set Up OAuth2 in SuiteCRM:

  • Log in as an admin in SuiteCRM.
  • Navigate to Admin > OAuth2 Clients.
  • Create a new OAuth2 client with your Google SSO details.

2. Configure Google as IDP:

  • Create a project in Google Developer Console.
  • Set up the OAuth consent screen.
  • Generate OAuth 2.0 client IDs.
  • Configure SuiteCRM OAuth2 with Google’s client ID and secret.

3. Implement Google SSO Redirect:

  • Redirect users to SuiteCRM with a URL like:
  • This URL should handle the OAuth2 callback.

4. Obtaining and Using the Access Token:

  • Once redirected, your OAuth2 callback should obtain the access token.
  • You can then use this token to make API requests. For example, if you’re using PHP:
$accessToken = 'your_obtained_access_token';

// Make an API request to SuiteCRM (example using cURL)
$apiUrl = 'https://your-suitecrm-instance/rest/v10/<MODULE>';

$ch = curl_init($apiUrl);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Authorization: Bearer ' . $accessToken]);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

$response = curl_exec($ch);

// Check if the request was successful
if ($response) {
    // Redirect to the SuiteCRM dashboard
    header('Location: https://your-suitecrm-instance/index.php?module=Home&action=index');

5. Test the Integration:

  • Verify the integration by accessing the redirect URL or adding a button on your website.

Ensure you handle errors and edge cases securely in your implementation.

Hope this helps!


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Hi @chirag_biz309 and @rsp ,

I would like to now try SSO. I posted a new topic: MS Entra ID integration (Entra ID integration with SuiteCRM 8).


Hello @jomelp,

I have posted a response. Please check the new topic.
