Recover old custom fields in a new suitecrm 8 installation

Hello all,

I have made a new installation of SuiteCRM 8. During the installation process I dumped the SuiteCRM 8 database and imported the database of my old instance.

I believed my customization was lost but I found the entries of my old database in Studio. All old customized fields are starred:

Screenshot from 2022-02-14 13-05-06

Is there a way to restore the starred field?

Hi @sunwukong69,

By old instance, I assume you mean Suite7 instance? Migration and carryover of customisation is currently a work in progress and there are no supported methods of this as of yet. We are hoping very soon to have this feature available to our users which will allow for the functionality described.

In general, it’s important to bear in mind custom fields are mainly handled in the code within the vardef files, the fields in the database only hold the data. Without the vardefs there is always going to be nothing on the front end. You could try copying the customised vardefs into the customs folder within public/legacy/ as you normally would while transferring customizations between S7 instances.

Thanks for the answer @Mac-Rae ,


I checked the documentation, I’m not a developer (I wish), I don’t understand all the ins and outs.
Do you mean there’s a folder in my backup from SuiteCRM 7 that should contain all the data?

Aye so there should be a folder called custom/ which can be copied across between S7 systems, running a QuickRepair and Rebuild via the Repair Menu in Admin should then “replicate” your changes in other installations

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Actually custom fields definitions are in the database (in table fields_meta_data).
Some attributes are in the vardefs files.

Yup, you’ll need both the database you had and the custom/ folder

It worked perfectly.

Since the database was exactly the same as the old one, I just had to upload my old /custom folder on the new SuiteCRM 8 install.

Many Thanks!

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