Every midnight, I will receive this email message about killing a process, which is related to a cron job. I asked the hosting service provider but their reply is that it is probably due to SuiteCRM cron job script.
Has anyone encountered this before? See screenshot below.
Maybe your SuiteCRM cron jobs are hanging for some reason?
You can check a few things.
click menu “all”, then “Workflows”, then on the left sidebar, choose “View process audit”. Do you see any unfinished jobs there?
in Admin / Schedulers, enter each job and see if it is running successfully or giving errors. This list is what runs in cron.php, so you can try disabling some jobs to see if it solves that error.
click menu “all”, then “Workflows”, then on the left sidebar, choose “View process audit”. Do you see any unfinished jobs there?
No unfinished job.
check both your logs, there could be clues there.
No error in both logs
in Admin / Schedulers, enter each job and see if it is running successfully or giving errors. This list is what runs in cron.php, so you can try disabling some jobs to see if it solves that error.
Based on the on-going running status and the time that I received the emails, I think these two jobs shown in the screenshots are the culprits. Not sure if I could disable them to test out.