Hi All,
Which other requirements exist other than entering a valid public and private key for a particular domain for the reCAPTCHA functionality to work correctly?
Once enabled through Password Management when I log out and click on the Forgot Password link on the login page then I only see a grey block where the captcha is suppose to be. Clicking on any of the other links (graphic/sound) doesn’t do anything either and you are basically stuck at that point as you cannot enter in any captcha.
After a quick forum search it doesn’t look like anyone else has opened any threads about the subject before… so either nobody is using it or I have a broken system? :dry:
Any ideas?
Hi Werner,
Which version are you on? What is your server/mysql/php setup? Can you attach a screen shot? I have tested the captcha functionality on SuiteCRM 7.1.1 and it seems to be functioning as required sending an email with the option to reset.
Hi Will,
Apologies, completely slipped my mind to include the platform details
SuiteCRM: 7.1.1
O/S: Ubuntu 14.04
PHP: 5.3.10
Apache: 2.2.22
better to late than never
this is because you are using https for suitecrm and that recaptch is using http link, two options:
1- click on the ssl security warning in the left of the adress and allow mix mode temporarly
2- edit /var/www/html/modules/users/Login.php
change http to https before “www.google.com/recaptcha/api/js/recaptcha_ajax.js”
issue remain in 7.7.4, could be necessary to get a fix ?
recaptcha links are hard coded to http causing firefox to block mixed display of recaptcha when having suitecrm under https.
change http to https for google url in the following lines.
modules/Administration/PasswordManager.php (line 84)
modules/Users/Changenewpassword.php (line 193)
modules/Users/Login.php (line 169)
Thank you! Works like a charm. Saw bug post already made… great stuff.
Actually, that was a bit premature. I first changed this on an http instance, which worked (of course). Still not reading the new code on my https instance though.
Clearly a cache problem. Cache just won’t get cleared I guess. Any suggestions?
I’ve tried multiple repair&rebuilds, developer mode, and incognito-mode on the browser(s).
this is on 7.7.4
I have the same problem.
I have changed the http to https in all the files indicated and the captcha always doesn’t run.
I use the version 7.9.12 and Sugar Version 6.5.25
It’s a free and open source alternative to SugarCRM Professional Edition.
Thank’s in advance for your answers.
Sorry, I forgot to attach the image.